
永康市科然家居用品有限公司——我们公司运用独特的产品生产技术,专业生产各类蛋糕模具、厨具等产品,款式新颖、经久耐用、设计独特,远销欧美等地区。我们始终坚信“诚信可以创造价值”,永远本着“质为先,诚为贵”的服务宗旨,与时俱进,加强技术开发创新的力度,不断开发新产品,以满足广大客户的需求。欢迎中外嘉宾惠临指导,愿与新老客户携手共创美好的明天! Keran Homeware Co.,LTD——We are one of the leading non-stick bakeware and cookware manufacturers in China.We specialized in designing and producing of a wide range of cake mould and frypan cookware to meet the demands of international market. Furthermore, our entire production process is conducted under rigid quality control measures. In order to face today's global market, which is filled with opportunity and challenge, we have distinctive management theory and always follow the standards of international trade&service fields. We focus on providing high quality products along with the best competitive prices and first-class service. We ensure long-term cooperation with customers from various countries, working on the basis of our proven design capability,hard work and sincerity, in addition to the efforts of our expert R&D, QC and shipping teams. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:浙江永康市西城街道北湖路168号 浙ICP备17016739号-4
